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Duo Ping Ting

As the founder of the Hong Kong Piano Duo Association and Honorary Artists of the Foshan Grand Theatre, Duo Ping Ting (Lok-Ping and Lok-Ting Chau) is active in performance, education and community service. They were prize winners of numerous international piano duo competitions and has been performed extensively in Europe, the U.S. and China. They host piano duo workshop in the Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing regularly, as well as giving masterclasses in colleges and music universities . The duo often engaged with educational and music organizations to promote classical music in school outreach programmes and community centres, including cooperation with the Dranoff Two Piano Foundation in Miami, Wennigsten Cultural Association (Germany), the Chamber Music for Life Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Musicus Society.  For more informations, please visit





娉婷鋼琴二重奏以一級榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院及德國漢諾威音樂學院 曾多項國際比賽脫穎而出,包括ARD慕尼黑音樂大賽、邁阿密珍柯夫雙鋼琴大賽、波蘭-比亞維斯托克二重奏比賽、聖瑪利諾國際鋼琴二重奏比賽,葛利格國際雙鋼琴比賽等,並在瑞士格施塔德音樂節獲新音樂最佳演繹獎; 演出足跡包括德國里斯波納室樂音樂節、波蘭格但斯克國際鋼琴二重奏音樂節、香港藝術節、香港美樂聚、鼓浪嶼鋼琴節等,並與巴伐利亞電台交響樂團、新蘇黎世管弦樂團、香港管弦樂團等合作演出。其間在歐美多個國際鋼琴二重奏及雙鋼琴比賽中獲得重要獎項

此外,娉婷鋼琴二重奏亦積極於教育活動,曾任教於香港大學專業進修學院鋼琴二重奏課程、參與美國邁阿密Dranoff國際雙鋼琴協會、德國Wennigsten文化協會、香港垂宜樂社及尚藝留聲的音樂外展計劃; 並獲邀到各地舉辦大師班和表演活動,如深圳雙鋼琴、四手聯彈邀請賽及海南大學音樂週等。香港民政事務局於2009年頒發嘉許狀,表揚倆人在國際文化及藝上的傑出成就。



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