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Our Mission

As musicians, transmitting and sharing our love for great music is our vocation and calling. Music education is like irrigation of a sapling, and each sapling is worth our persistence, love and patience. The Association aims at promoting and popularising piano duets through cooperating with music institutions, music festivals and societies with performances, community and educational activities. We would like to share our knowledge and expertise to foster and enrich the development of the piano duo which has a rich repertoire of diverse music, ranging from four hands to two pianos.

Originating in the mid-18th century, the piano duet emerged as a form of entertainment at domestic gatherings. Due to the rich tone colours and acoustic subtleties that the piano duo could produce, the repertoire (for two pianos in particular) for piano duet became very varied and had emerged as a popular genre in a very short span of time. In fact, it was through transcriptions for piano duo that most nineteenth-century audiences got to know seminal orchestral works such as Beethoven's symphonies, as actual orchestral performances were less commonplace.In our own time, the piano duet has long become an established genre and degrees in piano duet playing are being offered by many German music conservatories. In the United States there is the Dranoff International Two Pianos Foundation, and the trend has also quickly been taken up in China in recent years. The Shenzhen Culture and Sports Association, for instance, holds the two pianos and four-hands invitational competition annually. In view of the rich educational resources in Hong Kong and China, it is our mission to cultivate public interests in this genre - both to promote the art form and elevate the standard of its performance in the region. We look forward to collaborating with domestic and international music education institutions.













鋼琴二重奏在德國著名的音樂學院已設專業學位;在美國亦有創辦歷史悠久的Dranoff 國際雙鋼琴協會。近年在中國,鋼琴二重奏亦開始成為重要的表演藝術:深圳文化體育協會每年均舉辦雙鋼琴四手聯彈邀請賽。鑒於本港及國內教育資源豐富,本協會希望承傳及推動本地鋼琴二重奏音樂事業,亦期待與國內及國際音樂機構、學校等探索更多音樂教育及合作機會。


鋼琴二重奏的藝術就是共同協作的藝術:這一過程肯定了兩人合作的優勢。 這比以往任何時候都更加重要,我們非常希望透過建立此橋樑,讓更多的人可以通過二重奏這種非凡的音樂合作,影響及團結更多人。

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