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Prof. Eleanor Wong

Honorary Artistic Advisor


Eleanor Wong is Professor of Music(Keyboard)at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, honorary professor of the Tianjin Music, as well as visiting professor at the Shenzhen School of Arts and Wuhan Music Conservatory. She has served as Advisors for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC), Trinity Guildhall music exam (Hong Kong).  She is also the Chairperson of the Piano Teachers’ Association in Hong Kong and Artistic Advisor of The Dalcroze Society of Hong Kong.

Winner of silver medal at the Viotti International Competition Italy, Professor Wong broadcasted on RTHK (Hong Kong), WNYC (New York), BBC (UK), and overseas services. As a Steinway Artist, she has given recitals extensively in the United Kingdom (including the Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room in London) in Hong Kong and the United States, as a Piano Duo with her sister Helen Wong have performed together in Hong Kong, in cities of China and in the States.

In 2008, Professor Wong was elected one of 2007 Outstanding Leaders by Singtao Daily in Hong Kong for her contributions to the musical world. In 2013 Professor Wong was awarded the Hong Kong Women of Excellence in the Six Arts for her work in field of Music by the Hong Kong Federation of Women. In 2014, Professor Wong received the Medal of Honour from the Hong Kong SAR Government, recognising her dedication and contribution to piano education and grooming of local young pianists. In 2018, Professor Wong was honoured with a Life Time Achievement Award in music education by the 5th Hong Kong International Music Festival.

黃懿倫現為香港演藝學院鍵盤樂系教授、深圳藝術學院客席教授、武漢音樂學院及天津音樂學院名譽教授; 同時任香港鋼琴教師協會主席 、香港達克羅士協會的藝術顧問及香港夏日音樂節聯合總監; 。她亦擔任香港藝術發展局的藝術顧問及聖三一音樂學院香港區鋼琴考試顧問。

黃教授現為施坦威鋼琴藝術家, 是意大利維奧堤國際鋼琴大賽銀獎得主,常為各大電台演奏,如香港電台、紐約公共電台、英國廣播公司及其他海外電台等。她又經常以獨奏家身分在英國(包括倫敦的威格摩爾廳及普賽爾廳)、香港及美國各地演出,年輕時和她姐姐組黃慰倫是資深鋼琴二重奏,在香港、中國及美國各大城巿巡迴演出。





Artistic Advisor




"Their performances have won huge acclaim from casual listeners and critical musicians for their power and sensitivity as well as their exceptional unity of musical purpose"    


 - The Munster Express 


 "... musical understanding, communicative power and union in thoughts are astonishing.......not merely a piano duo performance but an interpretation with rich orchestral color." 


-Tina Fu from the International Association of Theatre Critic      


The Beijing born Hui Ling met Hong Kong born Julie Kuok at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts where they formed the "HKDuo"in 2000. "HK" is also the combination of their last names. The contrasting personalities give exciting chemistry and colorful merge of tones with their genuine interpretation ranging from classical music, jazz, to their own compositions and transcriptions.  


The HKDuo had been the Artists-in-Residence of the RTHK Radio 4 and participated in the concert series organized by the Hong Kong government celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the City Hall and the 150th Anniversary of Debussy. They had also collaborated with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong performing the concerto for two pianos by Mozart. The multi-media concert named "Duo & Duologue - In memory of Nadia Boulanger", interacting music with drama and dance, marked an innovative breakthrough in the performing history of the duo.  In carrying out social responsibility, they had given two charity recitals raising fund for the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women.  Performances abroad include the Waterford Arts Festival in Ireland, the Grand Asian Piano Concerts held in Korea and Malaysia, the Shanghai Spring International Music Festival, the 2nd Yichang, China Yangtze River Piano Music Festival and recitals and masterclasses in the music schools in Taiwan, Xiamen, Guangzhou and Beijing. In 2016, they performed Poulenc Concerto for Two Pianos with the Hong Kong Festival Orchestra at the Cultural Center Concert Hall, and gave two concerts in the 2016 Airport Proms. They also had a concert tour for “Journey of Romance” performing in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing, Changzhi, Weifang and Chongqing promoting music for two pianos especially the “Butterfly Lovers” arranged by Chen Gang in 2013.   


The HKDuo had its first CD album, "In a glimpse, published in 2010 with only the original compositions and arrangements of masterpieces by the duo themselves including Stravinsky’s Fire Bird and Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet arranged by Hui Ling for two pianos and duet respectively, and Nocturne for two pianos and Birthday Dada for solo piano composed by Julie Kuok. Their latest publication is the DVD of their live performance in the concert “Sound of Nature”.  

「她們的能力、觸覺及音樂處理上非凡的默契獲得圈內圈外的高度評價。」  -愛爾蘭報章 The Munster Express






 「諄心善緣指相逢 ,意韻悠揚繞心流,四珠靈接氣勁現, 手舞鍵飛樂湧溢」



來自北京的許寧與香港土生土長的郭品文在香港演藝學院相遇, 並於 2000年成立「諄意四手」組合。「諄」是她們姓氏的合併。两人性格迥異, 卻志同道合。她們的演奏非常有默契,色彩豐富而動人心弦,經常包括自己改编及原創作品。 



2016年她們與香港節慶管弦樂團於香港文化中心音樂廳演出普朗克D小調雙鋼琴協奏曲,並在香港、廣州、北京、長治及濰坊舉行「浪漫之旅」巡廻演出,推廣國寶級中國作品-由陳鋼改編的《梁山伯與祝英台》雙鋼琴版,並應邀參加於重慶舉辦的 「水墨江城·平安涪陵名家音樂會」。  


諄意四手於2010年推出了一張十週年唱片「散聚」,灌錄的音樂全是她們自己的新作及改編曲,包括由許寧編寫的斯特拉汶斯基《火鳥組曲》(雙鋼琴版)、普羅可菲耶夫《羅密 歐與茱麗葉》(四手聯彈)及 郭品文創作的雙鋼琴作品《夜曲》及獨奏作品《慶生達達》等。 


Dr. Henry Chow


General Consultant

Henry Chow received his earliest musical training at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In his teenage years he moved to England to further his musical studies, first at Wells Cathedral School and then at the Royal College of Music where he was awarded the highest scholarship to pursue his Bachelor's degree. Thereafter he continued his Master's studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London.
Henry has performed extensively in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Germany and the United States, and was the recipient of major scholarship awards. He studied with the Russian pianist Nelly Akopian-Tamarina, one of the last students of the legendary Alexander Goldenweiser and the first student of Dmitri Bashkirov and through whom he traces his pianistic lineage back to the old Russian tradition. His other teachers include Amelia Chan, Gabriel Kwok, Daniel-Ben Pienaar, Hilary Coates, Nigel Clayton, Andrew Ball and Elisabeth and Eugene Pridonoff.

Apart from a Master of Art in philosophy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Henry also holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the College-Conservatory of Music (CCM), University of Cincinnati, with cognates in harpsichord and piano pedagogy. Prior to moving back to Hong Kong, he was a graduate teaching assistant at CCM. He has since then maintained an active profile as a teacher and a performer. Apart from his appointments at the Macau Polytechnic Institute and the University of West London Hong Kong Centre, he frequently gives workshops and masterclasses at institutes such as the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong. In 2018-20 he was invited to join the faculty of the East/West International Piano Festival held in Shenzhen and Seoul. In addition to his educational commitments, he also presented programmes for RTHK Radio 4, and is a frequent jury member for piano competitions in Hong Kong and Asia.

Henry has always had a strong interest in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and its performance practice. Apart from his work with Vivian Montgomery on the harpsichord, he has worked with many world-renowned Bach interpreters like Robert Levin, Sheng Yuan, Choong-Mo Kang, Daniel-Ben Pienaar and Emile Naoumoff. Recent highlights of his work include recitals given at the Musica del Cuore, the Xiangyuan Piano Museum in Shantou as well as Kyoto.

周達勳早年於香港演藝學院接受音樂訓練,師承李森及陳莉華。及後他負笈前往英國,先後在威爾士座堂中學和倫敦皇家音樂學院學習,並獲皇家音樂學院最高獎學金、鋼琴演奏學士及碩士學位。周氏演奏足跡遍及英國、德國、捷克、美國 、 中國 、 日本及香港,獲得多項演奏獎項。他在英國時師承俄國鋼琴家內莉.阿寇比安.塔瑪麗娜(傳奇俄國鋼琴家郭登懷瑟的其中一位最後門生、巴許基洛夫的第一個學生),深受俄國鋼琴學派熏陶。此外,他亦曾師從陳莉華 、 郭嘉特、丹尼爾.班.翩拿、希拉里.高娣斯、奈杰爾.克來頓、安德魯.博爾、伊麗莎白.普里登諾夫及尤金. 普里登諾夫。


周氏一直對巴赫的音樂和其演奏風格有著濃厚的興趣。除了與古鍵琴家蒙哥馬利的學習以外,他亦曾與世界著名巴赫詮譯者如列文,盛原,Choong-Mo Kang, 翩拿和納莫夫學習巴赫音樂演繹。近期演出包括於Musical del Cuore系列 、汕頭香園鋼琴博物館和日本京都的獨奏會。


Man Tse Ling


Planning and Coordinating Committee 


Tse Ling Man was awarded a master's degree in music from the Royal Northern College of Music while obtaining distinction with a LTCL Recital Diploma. Her working experience in teaching piano, accompanying and performing ranges through the United Kingdom, China and Hong Kong. She has been employed as a Head of Keyboard in Wycombe Abbey International School. Under her leadership in piano faculty, she established piano ensemble training and accompaniment coaching for students. She has also been invited by Hong Kong Baptist University to offer a mentorship program for music associated degree students and share lectures in bachelor music studies assembly. She is the planning and coordinating committee in the Hong Kong Piano Duo Association. Currently she is working at Harrow International School Hong Kong.




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